Why has my Freesat box stopped working?
Here at Freesat Spares we have found over years of repairs experience a few common issues that effect almost all Freesat and Satellite TV Boxes
Power Supplies
Most Freesat boxes use "wall wart" or external power supplies, which for repair or replacement is great, as if it fails it just a matter of replacing the item. Of course we sell these. So if you box has no lights, or is not fully booting, a power supply replacement is the first thing to go for
Hard Drive Failure
The second most common issue with these recorder boxes is the internal hard drive becomes faulty. On the older Humax boxes they use a 3.5 inch drive and Newer Arris 4K ones use a 2.5 inch drive. Both can use replaced with some basic tools. Be aware not all hard drive will work in these devices, if you need help choosing a drive please drop us a message or email and we can recommend which drive to use. All Drives we sell come with a 1000 day warranty* (Ts & Cs Apply of course)
Old Boxes (Humax) No Boot
With Older Humax Boxes they can overheat causing the main processor to stop functioning correct, causing poor images, jumps in recording and various other strange behaviour. This can be repaired with a process we carry out in the workshop get in touch to find our prices for repair for your model.
There are many other not so common issues that stop these great devices from working so if you have any technical questions drop us a message here are Freesat-Spares